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How much land is needed to build a mechanized lime kiln

Source:Lime kiln manufacturerPublication date:2024-09-19Views:

How much land is needed to build a mechanized lime kiln

With the acceleration of industrialization and the widespread application of lime in various fields such as construction, chemical engineering, and metallurgy, the construction of mechanized lime kilns has become the choice of many enterprises. However, when planning and constructing mechanized lime kilns, land area is a crucial consideration factor.

How much land is needed to build a mechanized lime kiln

1. Mechanized lime kiln body occupies an area of land

The main structure of a mechanized lime kiln is the core part of the entire production line. The footprint of mechanized lime kilns of different sizes and types varies. Generally speaking, a medium-sized mechanized lime kiln occupies an area of approximately 1000-1500 square meters. This includes the installation space for the kiln foundation, kiln body, and kiln ancillary equipment. The design and construction of the kiln body need to ensure sufficient space for operations such as feeding limestone, ventilation during calcination, and discharging finished lime. For example, the rotary kiln type lime kiln has certain size requirements for the length and diameter of the kiln body, which determines that it requires corresponding land area to ensure normal operation.

2. Raw material storage site

(1) Limestone storage

Limestone, as the main raw material for lime kiln production, requires sufficient storage space. Considering the stability of raw material supply and the continuity of production, it is usually necessary to store a certain amount of limestone. Assuming a daily output of 100 tons of lime, approximately 500-1000 tons of limestone need to be stored. According to the bulk density of limestone, storing this limestone requires approximately 2000-3000 square meters of land. This site needs to have good drainage conditions to prevent rainwater from soaking and causing a decrease in the quality of limestone.

(2) Storage of other raw materials

In addition to limestone, it may also be necessary to store some auxiliary raw materials, such as desulfurizers and denitrifiers used for environmental treatment. Although the usage of these raw materials is relatively small, they still require a certain amount of storage space, approximately 200-500 square meters.

3. Finished product storage site

The produced lime needs to be stored for sale or further processed. The size of the storage site for finished lime depends on the production scale and market sales situation. Generally speaking, for medium-sized mechanized lime kilns, the storage area for finished lime requires approximately 1500-2000 square meters. This site needs to be kept dry to prevent the lime from getting damp and deteriorating. At the same time, the layout of the storage site should facilitate the loading, unloading, and transportation of finished products, usually by designing dedicated transportation channels and loading and unloading areas.

How much land is needed to build a mechanized lime kiln

4. Supporting facilities and venues

(1) Environmental protection facilities

Mechanized lime kilns need to be equipped with complete environmental protection facilities, such as bag filters, desulfurization and denitrification devices, etc. These environmental protection devices require a certain amount of installation and operation space. For example, a large bag filter occupies an area of approximately 300-500 square meters, while a desulfurization and denitrification device may require 500-800 square meters of space. These environmental facilities and sites need to be arranged reasonably with the main production equipment to ensure efficient collection and treatment of exhaust gases.

(2) Power facilities

Power facilities include distribution rooms, transformers, and other equipment, which are key to providing electrical support for the entire lime kiln production line. The floor area of the distribution room and transformer is approximately 200-300 square meters. They need to be arranged in a safe, dry, and easy to maintain area, while considering the cable connection distance with other equipment to reduce power loss.

(3) Office and living facilities

In order to meet the needs of production management and employee living, it is also necessary to construct office areas and living facility areas. The office area includes offices, conference rooms, etc., and requires approximately 300-500 square meters. Living facilities such as canteens and dormitories require approximately 500-1000 square meters depending on the number of employees. The construction of these areas should focus on comfort and convenience, providing employees with a good working and living environment.

5. Comprehensive land demand

The land area required for constructing a mechanized lime kiln is the sum of the land occupied by each part. From the mechanized lime kiln body to the raw material storage site, finished product storage site, and supporting facility site, generally more than 6666 square meters of land are required. Only by ensuring sufficient land area can the various production processes of mechanized lime kilns be carried out in an orderly manner, while also reserving space for the long-term development of the enterprise.

How much land is needed to build a mechanized lime kiln

6. Notes on Land Planning and Utilization

When conducting land planning, in addition to ensuring that the total area meets demand, it is also necessary to reasonably divide each functional area. For example, the raw material storage site should be located near the lime kiln feed inlet to reduce the distance of raw material transportation; The finished product storage site should be close to the transportation channel for easy loading, unloading, and transportation of products. At the same time, we should pay attention to the efficiency of land use and avoid situations of land waste. In the layout of supporting facilities, full consideration should be given to the mutual cooperation and safety distance between equipment to ensure the efficient and safe operation of the entire production line.

The construction of mechanized lime kilns has high requirements for land area. Enterprises need to fully consider various factors and layout reasonably in the planning and construction process to ensure the smooth implementation and long-term stable operation of the project.


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