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Quality requirements for fired limestone

Source:Lime Kiln ManufacturerPublication date:2024-08-12Views:

Quality requirements for fired limestone

The quality of limestone plays a crucial role in the firing process of lime. High quality limestone can ensure the production of high-quality lime, improve production efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and minimize environmental impact. The following will elaborate on the various requirements for the quality of limestone when firing lime.

Quality requirements for fired limestone

1、 Chemical composition

The main chemical component of limestone is calcium carbonate (CaCO3), and its content directly affects the yield and quality of lime. Usually, the content of calcium carbonate in limestone used for firing lime should be above 90%. A high content of calcium carbonate means that more calcium oxide (CaO), the main component of lime, can be produced during the firing process.

In addition, the impurities in limestone also need to be strictly controlled. For example, the content of magnesium oxide (MgO) should not be too high, as it will increase energy consumption during the firing process and may affect the activity of lime. If the content of silicon dioxide (SiO ₂) is too high, it will cause the melting point of lime to rise, increasing the difficulty of firing.

2、 Particle size

The particle size of limestone has a significant impact on the firing process. Excessive particle size can lead to uneven heat transfer, making it difficult for the limestone inside to fully decompose, thereby reducing the production and quality of lime. If the particle size is too small, it is easy to form dust inside the kiln, block the ventilation ducts, affect the airflow distribution, and also increase the difficulty and cost of material processing.

Generally speaking, the ideal particle size of limestone is between 40-100 millimeters. In order to meet this particle size requirement, appropriate crushing and screening equipment needs to be used during mining and processing to ensure uniform distribution of limestone particles.

For example, a certain lime plant strictly controls the particle size of limestone before firing. By optimizing the crushing process, the particle size is controlled within a reasonable range, which shortens the firing time and significantly improves the activity of lime.

Quality requirements for fired limestone

3、 Physical properties

Hardness: A moderate hardness of limestone is recommended. Hard limestone consumes more energy during the crushing and grinding process, increasing production costs; Overly soft limestone may be prone to breakage during transportation and storage, resulting in excessive fine powder.

Porosity: A higher porosity helps with gas diffusion and heat transfer during the firing process, promoting the decomposition of limestone. On the contrary, low porosity limestone will make the firing process slow and difficult.

Dense structure: Limestone with dense structure requires higher temperature and longer time to fully decompose during firing, while limestone with loose structure is relatively easy to fire.

Quality requirements for fired limestone

4、 Stability and uniformity

The quality of limestone should have good stability and uniformity. The significant differences in chemical composition and physical properties between batches can lead to frequent adjustments of firing process parameters, affecting the continuity of production and the stability of product quality.

For example, if the calcium carbonate content of a batch of limestone suddenly decreases, in order to achieve the same lime production, it is necessary to increase the amount of limestone input or extend the firing time, which will undoubtedly increase costs and reduce efficiency.

In order to ensure the stability and uniformity of limestone quality, strict quality control is required at every stage from mining and beneficiation to transportation and storage. Establish a comprehensive quality inspection system, conduct sampling testing on each batch of limestone, and promptly identify and resolve quality issues.

5、 Moisture content

The moisture content in limestone can also affect the firing process. Excessive moisture content will increase energy consumption during the firing process, as the evaporation of water requires the absorption of heat. At the same time, the presence of moisture may also cause poor airflow in the kiln, affecting the firing effect.

Therefore, before firing, limestone usually needs to be dried to control its moisture content within a certain range, generally not exceeding 1%.

The firing of lime has strict requirements for the quality of limestone in various aspects. Only by selecting limestone with appropriate chemical composition, uniform particle size, good physical properties, stable quality, and low moisture content can we ensure the high efficiency, energy saving, and environmental protection of the lime firing process, produce high-quality lime products, and meet the needs of different industries. In actual production, lime production enterprises should closely cooperate with limestone suppliers to ensure that the quality of limestone meets the firing requirements and promote the sustainable development of the lime industry.


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