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What is the calcination temperature of environmentally friendly lime kiln

Source:Lime Kiln ManufacturerPublication date:2024-08-07Views:

What is the calcination temperature of environmentally friendly lime kiln

In the production process of environmentally friendly lime kilns, calcination temperature is a crucial factor that directly affects the decomposition effect of limestone and the quality of the final lime product. Generally speaking, the calcination temperature of environmentally friendly lime kilns is between 900-1200 degrees, which has been determined through long-term practice and scientific research.

What is the calcination temperature of environmentally friendly lime kiln

1、 The Effect of Calcination Temperature on Limestone Decomposition

The situation where the temperature is too low

When the calcination temperature is too low, below 900 degrees, the decomposition rate of limestone will significantly slow down. The main component of limestone is calcium carbonate (CaCO3), which decomposes into calcium oxide (CaO) and carbon dioxide (CO ₂) when heated. However, insufficient temperature can lead to insufficient activation energy for decomposition reactions and a decrease in reaction rate. In this case, if limestone cannot be fully decomposed, there will be a phenomenon of burning. The lime used for raw firing contains a large amount of undecomposed calcium carbonate, which has low activity and cannot meet the needs of many industrial productions. For example, in the construction industry, using calcined lime for the preparation of mixed mortar may result in insufficient strength of the mortar due to incomplete chemical reactions, affecting the quality and safety of the building. Moreover, in the metallurgical industry, the raw lime cannot effectively react with impurities in the ore, which reduces the efficiency and quality of smelting.

The situation where the temperature is too high

When the calcination temperature exceeds 1200 degrees, overburning is prone to occur. At excessively high temperatures, the decomposition rate of limestone is too fast, and the generated calcium oxide crystals may overgrow, leading to phenomena such as sintering. Overburned lime has a tight structure, reduced porosity, decreased specific surface area, and significantly decreased activity. This low activity lime may not be able to participate well in chemical reactions in the chemical industry, affecting the yield and quality of products. Meanwhile, overburning can also lead to energy waste, as excessively high temperatures require the consumption of more fuel to maintain, increasing production costs. Moreover, excessively high temperatures may cause damage to the refractory materials of the kiln, shorten the service life of the kiln, and increase the cost of equipment maintenance and replacement.

2、 Chemical reaction processes at different calcination temperatures

When the calcination temperature is between 900-1200 degrees, the decomposition reaction of limestone is a gradual process. As the temperature gradually increases, calcium carbonate begins to absorb heat, and its molecular structure gradually becomes unstable. At around 900 degrees, the decomposition reaction begins to take place noticeably, and calcium carbonate begins to decompose into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. As the temperature continues to rise, the decomposition reaction rate accelerates. Within this temperature range, the generated calcium oxide crystal structure is relatively suitable, with good activity and porosity, which can meet the needs of most industrial applications.

What is the calcination temperature of environmentally friendly lime kiln

When the temperature is below 900 degrees, the energy absorbed by calcium carbonate molecules is insufficient, and the decomposition reaction is difficult to proceed smoothly. The release of carbon dioxide is very small, and most of the limestone still maintains its original structure. On the contrary, when the temperature exceeds 1200 degrees, calcium oxide crystals may rapidly grow and fuse with each other, resulting in a crystal structure that is too tight, pores that are blocked, and active ingredients that are difficult to contact and react with external substances.

3、 How to control the calcination temperature of environmentally friendly lime kiln

In order to ensure that the calcination temperature is within the appropriate range of 900-1200 degrees, the environmentally friendly lime kiln adopts various advanced technologies and equipment. Firstly, a precise temperature control system is crucial. By installing multiple temperature sensors inside the kiln, real-time monitoring of temperature conditions in different parts can be achieved. These sensors transmit temperature data to the control system, which adjusts according to the preset temperature range. For example, when the temperature approaches the lower limit of 900 degrees, the control system will increase the fuel supply or adjust the ventilation to increase the temperature inside the kiln. On the contrary, when the temperature approaches the upper limit of 1200 degrees, fuel supply will be reduced or cooling measures will be increased to prevent excessive temperature.

Secondly, a reasonable kiln structure design also contributes to the uniform distribution of temperature. Environmentally friendly lime kilns usually use advanced insulation materials and reasonable ventilation systems to ensure that heat can be evenly transferred to the limestone material, avoiding situations where local temperatures are too high or too low. For example, some new environmentally friendly lime kilns adopt multi-layer insulation bricks and special air duct designs, making the temperature inside the kiln more stable and uniform.

In addition, the technical level and experience of operators also play an important role in temperature control. They need to adjust various parameters in a timely manner based on production conditions and temperature trends to ensure that the calcination temperature is always within the appropriate range. At the same time, regular maintenance and overhaul of kiln equipment to ensure the normal operation of temperature control systems and other equipment is also an important measure to maintain stable calcination temperature.

What is the calcination temperature of environmentally friendly lime kiln

4、 The specific requirements for calcination temperature vary among different industries

Different industries have different requirements for the quality and performance of lime, so there are also certain differences in the control of calcination temperature in environmentally friendly lime kilns.

In the construction industry, there are certain requirements for the activity and setting time of lime. Generally speaking, when the calcination temperature is close to 1000-1100 degrees, the lime produced can exhibit good performance in the preparation of building materials. For example, when making lime mortar, the lime produced at this temperature can be fully mixed with other materials, have a suitable setting time, and ensure the smooth progress of construction.

In the metallurgical industry, lime is mainly used to react with impurities in ores and help extract metals. The activity and purity requirements for lime are high. In environmentally friendly lime kilns, it may be necessary to control the calcination temperature between relatively high 1100-1200 degrees to ensure that limestone can be fully decomposed, producing high-purity and highly active lime to meet the needs of metallurgical processes.

In the chemical industry, lime may be used to produce various chemical products, and there are strict requirements for the purity and particle size of lime. The calcination temperature may need to be precisely adjusted according to specific chemical reactions and product requirements, and some may be closer to 900-1000 degrees to obtain lime products with specific properties.

The calcination temperature of environmentally friendly lime kiln between 900-1200 degrees is a reasonable range that has been scientifically verified and practically tested. Within this range, the decomposition process of limestone can be effectively controlled to produce qualified and high-performance lime products. Meanwhile, different industries can further optimize and adjust within this temperature range according to their own needs to meet their production requirements. Through precise temperature control and reasonable operation management, environmentally friendly lime kilns can provide high-quality lime for various industries, promoting the development and progress of related industries.


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