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Standard classification standard for metallurgical lime

Source:Lime Kiln ManufacturerPublication date:2024-06-28Views:

Standard classification standard for metallurgical lime

Metallurgical lime plays a crucial role in metallurgical industries such as steel smelting, and its quality and performance directly affect the efficiency, cost, and product quality of metallurgical production. In order to ensure that the quality of metallurgical lime meets the requirements of industrial production, it is essential to establish clear and scientifically reasonable standard grading standards.

Standard classification standard for metallurgical lime

1、 The role and importance of metallurgical lime

In the metallurgical process, lime is mainly used for processes such as dephosphorization, desulfurization, and slagging. High quality metallurgical lime can effectively improve metal recovery rate, reduce impurity content, optimize slag performance, thereby improving the quality and production efficiency of metallurgical products.

2、 The basis for the classification of metallurgical lime standard grades

chemical composition

Including calcium oxide (CaO) content, magnesium oxide (MgO) content, silicon dioxide (SiO ₂) content, sulfur (S) content, phosphorus (P) content, etc. Generally speaking, the higher the content of calcium oxide, the lower the impurity content, and the higher the grade of lime.


Reflect the ability of lime to react with other substances. Lime with high activity can participate in metallurgical reactions more quickly and fully, improving production efficiency.


An appropriate particle size distribution helps to achieve uniform distribution and reaction of lime in metallurgical processes, and different metallurgical processes have different requirements for lime particle size.

Loss on ignition

The mass loss of lime during high-temperature calcination reflects the degree and quality of lime calcination.

Standard classification standard for metallurgical lime

3、 Specific grading standards

Usually, metallurgical lime can be divided into the following grades:

Special grade metallurgical lime

The calcium oxide content is greater than or equal to 92%, the magnesium oxide content is less than or equal to 2.0%, the silicon dioxide content is less than or equal to 1.0%, the sulfur content is less than or equal to 0.03%, the phosphorus content is less than or equal to 0.01%, the activity is greater than or equal to 360ml/4N-HCl, and the particle size is between 10-50mm.

First level metallurgical lime

The content of calcium oxide ranges from 88% to 92%, the content of magnesium oxide is less than or equal to 2.5%, the content of silicon dioxide is less than or equal to 1.5%, the content of sulfur is less than or equal to 0.05%, the content of phosphorus is less than or equal to 0.02%, the activity is between 320-360ml/4N-HCl, and the particle size is between 10-50mm.

Secondary metallurgical lime

The content of calcium oxide is between 85% and 88%, the content of magnesium oxide is less than or equal to 3.0%, the content of silicon dioxide is less than or equal to 2.0%, the content of sulfur is less than or equal to 0.08%, the content of phosphorus is less than or equal to 0.03%, the activity is between 280-320ml/4N-HCl, and the particle size is between 10-50mm.

Grade III metallurgical lime

The content of calcium oxide is between 80% and 85%, the content of magnesium oxide is less than or equal to 3.5%, the content of silicon dioxide is less than or equal to 2.5%, the content of sulfur is less than or equal to 0.10%, the content of phosphorus is less than or equal to 0.04%, the activity is between 200-280ml/4N-HCl, and the particle size is between 10-50mm.

4、 Application scenarios of different grades of metallurgical lime

Special grade metallurgical lime

Mainly used for the production of high-end steel products, such as special steel, stainless steel, etc., metallurgical processes with extremely high quality requirements for lime.

First level metallurgical lime

Suitable for the production of most ordinary steel products, such as steel for construction, steel for mechanical manufacturing, etc.

Secondary metallurgical lime

It can be used in metallurgical production where the quality requirements for lime are not particularly strict, such as the conventional production of some small and medium-sized steel enterprises.

Grade III metallurgical lime

Usually used in metallurgical auxiliary processes or specific low-cost production processes with low requirements for lime quality.

Standard classification standard for metallurgical lime

5、 The significance and impact of standard level classification

Ensure the quality of metallurgical production

Ensure that the lime used meets the process requirements and improve the quality and stability of metallurgical products.

Promote market competition and industry development

Provide clear quality objectives for lime production enterprises, motivate them to improve their production technology and management level, and promote the overall development of the industry. Easy to purchase and use

To provide metallurgical enterprises with a basis for purchasing lime, enabling them to select appropriate grades of lime according to production needs, improving production efficiency and reducing costs.

6、 Revision and improvement of standards

With the continuous progress of metallurgical technology and the increasing requirements for product quality, the standard classification of metallurgical lime also needs to be constantly revised and improved. Relevant departments and industry associations should closely monitor the development of new technologies and processes, adjust standards in a timely manner to meet the development needs of the metallurgical industry.

The classification standard for metallurgical lime is an important quality specification in the metallurgical industry, which is of great significance for ensuring the quality, efficiency, and cost control of metallurgical production. Each production enterprise and user unit should strictly follow the standards and jointly promote the healthy development of the metallurgical industry.


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