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What are the special occupations for non-ferrous metals in the metallurgical industry

Source:networkPublication date:2024-06-21Views:

What are the special occupations for non-ferrous metals in the metallurgical industry

In the field of metallurgical industry, the processing and production of non-ferrous metals involve numerous complex and hazardous work processes, resulting in a series of special occupations. These specialized workers have made significant contributions to the development of the non-ferrous metal industry with their professional skills and experience.

1、 Electrolytic refining worker

Electrolytic refining is one of the important methods for purifying non-ferrous metals. Electrolytic refining workers are responsible for operating electrolytic cells, controlling parameters such as current, voltage, and electrolyte composition and temperature to achieve high-quality purification of non-ferrous metals. For example, in the electrolytic refining of copper, workers need to closely monitor the status of the anode and cathode plates in the electrolytic cell, and promptly address issues such as short circuits and open circuits in the plates to ensure the stable progress of the electrolysis process. They work in environments with strong currents, magnetic fields, and chemical corrosion for a long time, which has a certain potential impact on their physical health.

2、 Furnace worker

Stove workers play a crucial role in non-ferrous metal smelting. They need to operate the furnace in a high temperature, high dust environment for feeding, slag discharge, metal discharge, and other operations. Taking aluminum smelting as an example, the front-line workers should accurately grasp the melting temperature and time, adjust the atmosphere inside the furnace in a timely manner, and ensure the quality of the aluminum liquid. In the process of zinc smelting, the furnace workers also need to deal with the discharge of high-temperature zinc liquid and casting ingots, and any slight carelessness may lead to serious scalding accidents.

3、 Casting worker

The casting worker is responsible for pouring the melted non-ferrous metal liquid into specific molds to produce various profiles, castings, etc. This process requires workers to have high precision and operational skills to avoid quality problems such as insufficient casting, air holes, and slag inclusion. In the casting operation of lead, workers need to wear heavy protective equipment to prevent the harm of lead vapor to their bodies. At the same time, they also need to proficiently master the casting speed and temperature to ensure that the quality and appearance of the lead ingot meet the standards.

4、 Miner selection

Mineral processing is the front-end link of non-ferrous metal production. Mineral processing workers use physical and chemical methods to screen and separate ores containing non-ferrous metals, thereby improving the grade of the ore. In the beneficiation of molybdenum ore, workers need to select appropriate beneficiation processes and reagents based on the properties and characteristics of the ore, and extract molybdenum concentrate from the original ore. This job often needs to be carried out in harsh mining environments, with high work intensity and certain safety risks.

5、 Train operator

The crane operator is responsible for operating equipment such as bridge cranes and gantry cranes, lifting non-ferrous metal raw materials, products, and equipment. They need to have good spatial judgment and operational skills to ensure the safety and stability of the lifting process. When lifting large ingots or high-temperature melts, any operational error may cause serious safety accidents.

6、 Gas producer

Gas generator is an important equipment that provides fuel for non-ferrous metal smelting. Gas generator operators are responsible for operating and maintaining the gas generator to ensure its normal operation. They need to closely monitor parameters such as temperature, pressure, and gas composition inside the furnace, and promptly address equipment failures and safety hazards. During the work process, workers may come into contact with toxic and harmful gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide, posing a risk of poisoning.

7、 Toxic and harmful substance handlers

In the production process of non-ferrous metals, a large amount of wastewater, exhaust gas, and waste residue are generated, which contain various toxic and harmful substances. Toxic and harmful substance handlers are responsible for treating and purifying these wastes to meet environmental discharge standards. For example, when treating mercury containing wastewater, workers need to use methods such as chemical precipitation and ion exchange to remove mercury ions from the wastewater. This job not only requires workers to master advanced environmental treatment technologies, but also to have a high sense of responsibility and safety awareness.

8、 Radiation source testing worker

In some non-ferrous metal mines and smelting enterprises, radioactive isotopes are used for material testing and equipment inspection. Radiation source inspectors are responsible for operating and maintaining radiation detection equipment to ensure the safe use and storage of radiation sources. They need to receive strict radiation protection training and undergo regular physical examinations to prevent excessive radiation damage.

9、 Pressure vessel operator

Various pressure vessels are used in the production of non-ferrous metals, such as reaction vessels, evaporators, condensers, etc. Pressure vessel operators are responsible for operating these equipment, controlling parameters such as pressure, temperature, and liquid level to ensure the safe operation of the equipment. They need to be familiar with the working principle and operating procedures of pressure vessels, strictly follow safety regulations, and regularly inspect and maintain equipment.

10、 Electrical welders

Electrical welders play an important role in the manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of non-ferrous metal equipment. They need to master various welding techniques, such as manual arc welding, gas shielded welding, argon arc welding, etc., to perform welding and cutting operations on the equipment. During the welding process, strong light, high temperature, harmful gases, and dust can be generated, causing harm to the eyes, skin, and respiratory system of workers.

The special types of non-ferrous metal workers in the metallurgical industry undertake important production tasks, but also face various occupational hazards and safety risks. In order to ensure the physical health and safety of these workers, enterprises should strengthen safety management, provide necessary protective equipment and training, and strictly comply with relevant national laws, regulations, and standards. At the same time, society should also give more attention and respect to these special types of workers, and jointly promote the healthy development of the non-ferrous metal industry.


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