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What temperature do lime kilns burn at?

Source:Lime Kiln ManufacturerPublication date:2024-06-20Views:

What temperature do lime kilns burn at?

In many fields of industrial production, lime kiln, as an important equipment for producing lime, its combustion temperature has always been a key parameter of concern. The calcination temperature of lime kilns is usually between 900 and 1200 degrees. However, to gain a deeper understanding of the causes and influencing factors of this temperature range, as well as its impact on the quality and efficiency of lime production, we need to conduct more detailed discussions.

What temperature do lime kilns burn at

1、 The working principle of lime kiln and its relationship with temperature

The main working principle of a lime kiln is to generate high temperature by burning fuel, causing limestone to undergo decomposition reaction at high temperature, generating quicklime (calcium oxide) and carbon dioxide. Temperature control is crucial in this process.

At around 900 degrees, limestone begins to undergo decomposition reactions, but the reaction rate is relatively slow. As the temperature gradually rises to over 1000 degrees, the reaction rate significantly accelerates and the decomposition becomes more complete. When the temperature approaches 1200 degrees, the reaction is basically completed and high-quality quicklime products can be obtained. 

2、 Factors affecting the combustion temperature of lime kilns

Fuel type

Different fuels have different calorific values and combustion characteristics. For example, fuels such as coal, natural gas, and heavy oil have differences in combustion temperature and heat release. The combustion temperature of coal is relatively low, while natural gas and heavy oil can provide higher combustion temperatures.

Taking coal as an example, if the quality of coal is poor and it contains a lot of impurities, the heat released during combustion may be insufficient, resulting in difficulty in reaching the ideal temperature range of the lime kiln.

Ventilation conditions

Good ventilation can ensure full combustion of fuel, provide sufficient oxygen, and thus increase combustion temperature. On the contrary, if ventilation is poor and fuel combustion is insufficient, not only will the temperature not meet the requirements, but it will also cause energy waste and environmental pollution.

For example, in some old lime kilns, due to unreasonable ventilation system design, air cannot enter the kiln evenly, resulting in local temperatures that are too high or too low, affecting the quality and output of lime.

Particle size and composition of limestone

The particle size of limestone can affect its uniformity of heating. Limestone with smaller particle size is more easily heated uniformly in the kiln, and its decomposition reaction is more rapid. The required combustion temperature is relatively low. Limestone with larger particle size requires higher temperature and longer time to complete decomposition.

In addition, the impurity content in limestone can also affect the combustion temperature. Limestone with high impurity content requires a higher temperature to complete the decomposition reaction. Kiln structure and insulation performance

The structure and insulation performance of the lime kiln directly affect the loss of heat. A reasonable kiln structure can evenly distribute heat within the kiln and improve heat utilization efficiency. Good insulation performance can reduce heat loss and maintain a high-temperature environment inside the kiln. If the kiln structure is unreasonable, such as having too many gaps or a large heat dissipation area, as well as poor quality insulation materials, it will lead to a large amount of heat loss, making it difficult to maintain the combustion temperature within the ideal range.

What temperature do lime kilns burn at

3、 The influence of temperature range from 900 to 1200 degrees on lime production

Lime quality

Within the temperature range of 900-1200 degrees, it can ensure that limestone is fully decomposed, and the generated quicklime has high purity and activity. If the temperature is too low, the decomposition of limestone is incomplete, leaving unreacted limestone and reducing the quality of quicklime.

For example, when the temperature is below 900 degrees, the produced quicklime may contain more calcium carbonate, which affects its performance in construction, metallurgy, and other fields.

production efficiency

A suitable temperature range can improve production efficiency. Between 1000 and 1200 degrees, limestone decomposes rapidly and can complete production tasks in a short period of time, increasing the yield of lime.

On the contrary, if the temperature is too low, the production cycle will be extended, reducing equipment utilization and production efficiency.

energy consumption

Maintaining a temperature range of 900-1200 degrees can achieve rational energy utilization. Excessive temperature can lead to energy waste and increase production costs; If the temperature is too low, more fuel needs to be consumed to increase the temperature, which will also increase energy consumption. 4、 Methods for controlling the combustion temperature of lime kilns

Accurate fuel control

Through advanced combustion control systems, the fuel supply and combustion speed are precisely controlled according to production needs to maintain a stable combustion temperature.

Optimize ventilation system

Adopting reasonable ventilation equipment and ventilation duct layout to ensure uniform air circulation in the kiln and provide sufficient oxygen for fuel combustion.

Screening and pretreatment of raw materials

Screen limestone, control particle size, and remove impurities to ensure sufficient decomposition within the given temperature range.

Regular maintenance and testing

What temperature do lime kilns burn at

Regularly inspect and maintain the lime kiln to ensure the integrity and insulation performance of the kiln structure, and promptly identify and solve problems that may affect the combustion temperature.

In summary, the calcination temperature of a lime kiln ranges from 900 to 1200 degrees, which is determined by the combined action of multiple factors. Understanding these factors and their impact on lime production, adopting effective temperature control methods, is of great significance for improving the quality and yield of lime, reducing energy consumption. In future industrial production, with the continuous progress and innovation of technology, we are expected to further optimize the combustion temperature control of lime kilns, achieving more efficient, environmentally friendly, and sustainable lime production.


Lime kiln calcination
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